Title Work Title No: 10085 Medium: Multimedia Date: 29 Apr 1988 (Recorded) Original Summary: Day Two - Morning: Charismatic Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement: Martin Luther King, Jr. According to the schedule: "We examine King's final years - his radicalization concerning the War in Vietnam and the nature of capitalism in America, and his growing doubts about non-violence as an effective movement tactic." Tape 5, Side B: Video Tape #4 (VHS.0196) Historian David Garrow looks at Dr. King in the years 1965-68 through the lens of Selma, Chicago, Vietnam and the Poor People's Campaign. Garrow makes clear that King's commitment to non-violence was always solid. Tape 6, Side A (CAS.2123): Historian David Garrow takes questions from the audience. Theologian Jim Cone compares and contrasts the leadership of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X from a faith perspective. Tape 6, Side B (CAS. 2123) Theologian Jim Cone takes questions from the audience. C.T. Vivian speaks about the legacy of Martin Luther King and the SCLC. Hails King as "the greatest social strategist of our time." Tape 7, Side A (CAS.2124) Video Tape #5 (VHS.0197) C.T. Vivian concludes his remarks and takes questions. Historian Clayborn Carson presents his research on the attempted merger of SNCC and the Black Panther Party. Carson plays interviews with Eldridge Cleaver, Stokely Carmichael and Kathleen Neal Cleaver. Tape 7, Side B (CAS.2124) Professor Carson finishes his presentation. He concludes that the internal dynamic of each group had as much to do with the failure of the merger as the interference of the FBI and COINTELPRO. Jim Murray, Curator of Moving Image and Sound Collections at the Schomburg Center in New York plays selected footage of an interview with Malcolm X conducted at the University of California at Berkeley on October 11, 1963. Tape 8, Side A (CAS.2125) Jim Murray concludes his section of the program by playing an excerpt from Malcolm X's speech before the Oxford Union on December 3, 1964. --Video Tape #5 (VHS.0197) ends here. No further video for this day.-- Historian Bill Sales looks at Malcolm X in transition and his founding of the Organization of Afro-American Unity in 1964. Tape 8, Side B (CAS.2125) Professor Sales concludes his remarks and takes questions. Cleve Sellers, once a program director for SNCC, talks about "Black Power," Malcolm X and the radicalization of the movement. Tape 9, Side A (CAS.2126) Cleve Sellers concludes his remarks and takes questions. Nation of Islam Minister Don Muhammad talks about Malcolm X and paints him as an impatient man "not willing to stay on the road with Elijah Muhammad." Tape 9, Side B (CAS.2126) Don Muhammad concludes and takes questions. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Genres: Educational; Lecture
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