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Title Work

Title No: 11189

Title: CAS.2122 and CAS.2146

Medium: Audio

Original Medium: Recorded Sound

Date: 28 Apr  1988  - 29 Apr  1988 (Recorded)

Original Summary:
Day One - Afternnon: The Civil Rights Movement and the Government

Tape 5, Side A (CAS.2122):

Peter Edelman concludes his review of the legacy of the Great Society and the need for a solution to poverty that incorporates education, business, housing and environment.

Day Two - Morning: Charismatic Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement: Martin Luther King, Jr.

According to the schedule:
"We examine King's final years - his radicalization concerning the War in Vietnam and the nature of capitalism in America, and his growing doubts about non-violence as an effective movement tactic." 

Tape 5:, Side B (CAS.2122):

Historian David Garrow looks at Dr. King in the years 1965-68 through the lens of Selma, Chicago, Vietnam and the Poor People's Campaign.

Countries of Origin: U.S.A.

CreatorBlackside, Inc.
ParticipantEdelman, Peter B.
ParticipantGarrow, David J.
ParticipantHampton, Henry

Items x3

11189-1Audio Tape : Audio Cassette 
11189-2Digital : Audio/wav 
11189-3Digital : Audio/MP3 

Contents x2

Seq NoTitle NoTitle
19944Eyes on the prize II [staff education: day 1]
210085Eyes on the prize II [staff education: day 2]