Title Work Title No: 5623 Alternate Titles: Cause of liberty Medium: Moving Image Date: 1971 (Published) Original Summary: "Reveals the mounting conflict between British and American viewpoints through the experiences of John Laurens in the 1770s. Shows paradoxes in a British court's decision barring slavery while Unites States Supreme Court condoned it. (Dred Scott case) from the American Heritage Series."--Audiovisual Materials Catalog 2002-2007 by Audiovisual Services of St. Louis Public Schools. "Dramatizes events described in actual letters between Henry Laurens, a South Carolinian patriot and president of the First Continental Congress, and his son John, a student in London, in order to provide a historical and human perspective of the events that led to the American Revolution."--WorldCat. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Genres: Educational
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