Title Work Title No: 5521 Medium: Moving Image Date: 1962 (Release) Original Summary: "Outlines, through still pictures and dramatization, the life of Robert E. Lee from the beginning of the Civil War until his death. Discusses his family background and depicts the major battles of the Civil War leading to Lee's surrender to Grant. Includes notes concerning his work as President of Washington University."--WorldCat. Originally consisted of 3 parts, all broadcast in 1959 on the NBC-TV program Project 20: part 1, Meet Mr. Lincoln; part 2, Lee, the Virginian; part 3, U.S. Grant, an improbable hero. Profiles three prominent figures of the American Civil War and gives their backgrounds prior to the war and the way each performed the most important work of their lives between 1861 to 1865. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Genres: Educational
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