Title Work
Title No: 5426 Title: Eyes on the prize--America's civil rights years, 1954-1965 Medium: Moving Image Original Medium: Film; Television; Video
Dates: 1986 (Release) 1986 (Broadcast) 1986 (Release) 1986 (Broadcast) Original Summary: "This series is the most comprehensive television documentary on the American Civil Rights movement ever produced. Through rare historical film and incisive present-day interviews, the events and issues of the second American Revolution come to life."--PBS Video cover (2000) Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Duration: 6 hr
Forms: Television mini-series Genres: Documentary; Ethnic (Nonfiction) Subjects: Civil rights--United States--History--20th century; Segregation--United States--History; African Americans--Civil rights--History--20th century.; African Americans--Suffrage--History--20th century.; African Americans--History--20th century.; Civil rights demonstrations--United States--History--20th century.; United States--Race relations--History--20th century
Credits: | Role | Name |
| Producer | Bagwell, Orlando | | Editor | Bartholomew, Ann | | Production Company | Blackside, Inc. | | Narrator | Bond, Julian | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Branton, Wiley Austin | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Carson, Clayborne | | Editor | Carver, Elizabeth | | | Chase, Karen | | | Chazen, Sara | | Producer | Crossley, Callie | | Producer | DeVinney, James A. | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Dittmer, John | | Editor | Doherty, M. J. | | Editor | Eisenberg, Daniel | | Producer | Else, Jon | | Writer | Fayer, Steve | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Freyer, Tony | | Editor | Gagnon, Eliza | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Garrow, David J. | | Editor | Garvin, Victoria | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Gaston, Paul | | Executive Producer | Hampton, Henry | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Harding, Vincent | | | Harris, J. Benjamin | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Hine, Darlene Clark | | Editor | Jordan, Jeanne | | Research | Kahn-Leavitt, Laurie | | | Kiley, Lorraine Flynn | | | Lavelle, Robert | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Lawson, Steven F. | | Production Manager | Mathieu, Jo Ann | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | McNeil, Genna Rae | | Supervisor/Supervised By | Meagher-Kuhn, Cynthia | | Production Asst/Asst Producer | Montgomery, Peter | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Morris, Aldon | | Distribution Company | PBS Video | | Archivist | Rabin, Kenn | | Research | Richardson, Judy | | | Robinson, Inez | | Editor | Scott, Charles | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Thornton, J. Mills Dr. | | Producer | Vecchione, Judith | | Editor | Woods, Meredith | | Advisor/Technical Advisor | Zinn, Howard |
| Items x33
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