Title Work Title No: 4832 Alternate Titles: American chronicles: policing the peace (1948-1951) Medium: Moving Image Date: 1986 (Production) Original Summary: "This film depicts the struggle for independence by third world nations in the late forties and early fifties. This film also illustrates the events that contributed to the Cold War. " --Audiovisual Materials Catalog 2002-2007 by Audiovisual Services of St. Louis Public Schools. "Israel is proclaimed a state. India wins independence and Gandhi is assassinated. Communist North Korean troops cross the 38th parallel into South Korea. Egypt seizes the Suez Canal, and Israel invades the Sinai Peninsula. Includes original footage of these and other events."--WorldCat. Episode of a 10-part series, American Chronicles, originally broadcast in 1986. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Genres: Educational
Notes: Accompanying discussion guide available upon request. | Items x1
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