Title Work
Title No: 19747 Title: Trolls and the Christmas express Medium: Moving Image Original Medium: Film
Dates: 1980 (Release) 1980 (Copyright) Original Summary: "In this animated tale, the rascally trolls disguise themselves as elves at the North Pole and try to wreck Christmas. They almost succeed until Santa and the elves overcome their mischievous plan." - Summary from WorldCat. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Duration: 25 min
Genres: Educational Subjects: Christmas
Credits: | Role | Name |
| Production Company | Atkinson Film-Arts Ltd. | | Cast/Actor | Banas, Carl | | Cast/Actor | Carlson, Len | | Cast/Actor | Conried, Hans | | Distribution Company | Coronet Instructional Films | | Producer | Friesen, Beryl | | Director | Gaug, John R. | | Music Composer | Hardy, Hagood | | Cast/Actor | Richards, Billie Mae | | Cast/Actor | Soles, Paul | | Producer | Stevens, W.H. Jr. | | Editor | Tripp, Gerald |
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