Title Work Title No: 19724 Medium: Moving Image Date: 1969 (Release) Original Summary: "Provides an anthropological and folkloric record of eight singing games played by fourth grade African-American girls on the playground of a school in a Los Angeles ghetto: My Boy Friend Gave Me a Box, This-a-way Valerie, When I Was a Baby, Imbileenie, This-a-way Batman, Mighty Mighty Devil, My Mother Died, and Pizza Pizza Daddy-O. All action is undirected; the organization of the games is entirely the work of the children themselves, based on the essential structure and characteristics handed down from one generation of school children to the next. The primary game form, the ring, is demonstrated. The other principle play form, parallel lines of players facing each other, is also shown. The major stylistic feature is call and response; almost every phrase is echoed both in singing and movement patterns. Study guide including texts of the sons is available. Award winner." - Summary from WorldCat. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Genres: Educational
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