Title Work Title No: 19696 Medium: Moving Image Dates: Original Summary: "This colorful animated film whimsically speculates about how the concept of elections might have evolved. After "Bad King Boris" died without heirs, the people of Snark try different ways of choosing a new king, until they think up the idea of elections. Boris had been disliked because he had made laws that suited his own needs and not those of the people. He imposed heavy taxes and a rule banning cats; unluckily, he himself died trying to kill a kitten. The people first try being kings at the same time; no one, however, could both be a king and run his own business. Finally they hit upon the idea of elections. Each candidate presents his ideas on kingship. The people choose Timothy the Teacher to be king, because he seems to want to do what most of the people want. They decide he can be replaced if he doesn't work out. Now the people have one king, but they are still the ones in charge." - Summary from the Teaching Guide. Part of the "Basic Concepts in Social Studies" series. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Genres: Educational
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