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Title Work

Title No: 17250

Title: Castilla la Nueva

Medium: Moving Image

Original Medium: Film

Date: 1969 (Release)

Original Summary:
"Uses a narrative technique for presenting vocabulary and grammatical structure for first year Spanish students. Presents views of Toledo, Aranjuez, the Valley of the Fallen, the El Escorial monastery, Alcala de Henares, the hanging houses of Cuenca, and Madrid." - Summary from Worldcat. 

Countries of Origin: Spain

Duration: 16 min 

Genres: Educational

Subjects: Spanish language; Peru (Viceroyalty)--Description and travel

Production CompanyInternational Film Bureau
Distribution CompanyInternational Film Bureau

Items x1

17250-1Safety Film : Viewing print 

Contained By x1

Title NoTitle
19540Rochester City School District educational film library