Title Work Title No: 11292 Medium: Multimedia Date: 3 May 1988 (Recorded) Original Summary: Day Six - AM: The Civil Rights Movement in an International Context From the schedule: "What connection exist among the the civil rights movement and liberation struggles elsewhere? How have these efforts inspired and drawn strength from each other?" Tape 22, Side B (CAS.2139) Breakfast meeting with the staff. Henry Hampton announces themes and team assignments. Also discusses deadlines and team dynamics. Audio Tape 23 (Missing) Video Tape 19 (VHS.0173) Boston Globe reporter Jonathan Kaufman reviews the relationship between blacks and Jews leading into the civil rights movement and how it came apart over divergent views on Israel, neighborhoods and affirmative action. Human rights activists Grace and James Boggs talk about their work organizing workers and tenants, particularly in Detroit. They examine the rights movement within the context of anticolonial and revolutionary struggles worldwide. Tape 24, Side A (CAS.2140) Video Tape #21 (VHS.0174) Q&A with Grace and Jim Boggs concludes. Former SNCC member Courtland Cox reflects upon a path that led him to from Mississippi and Alabama to Africa, anti-war activism and involvement with the Russell-Sartre International War Crimes Tribunal. Tape 24, Side B (CAS.2140) Q&A with Courtland Cox Professor Willard Johnson observes that the civil rights movement "was most important, and not at all important." It was part of a worldwide ethical sweep happening in many places. While the United States did play a role in decolonizing the world, it also emerged as the leader of an order that seemed threatened. Tape 25, Side A (CAS.2141) Q&A with Willard Johnson. Journalist and cultural historian Jim Miller examines the influence of the civil rights movement, particularly SNCC, on white student radical groups like Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). He also explores how events of the period transformed and shaped the fate of each movement. Day Six - PM: Music From the schedule: "Music was an integral part of the civil rights movement. We discuss where the music came from, how it was used, the impact it had on the course of the movement and the relationship of movement music to the commercial music industry." Tape 25, Side A (CAS.2141) Video Tape 21 (VHS.0175 Jim Miller looks at the role of music during this era and urges the producers to explore the relationship of politics and pop culture. According to Miller, pop music replaced folk music as the medium of the movement and became "a real force for the integration of the south." Tape 25, Side B (CAS.2141) Q&A with Jim Miller concludes. Poet, author and educator Kalamu Ya Salaam discerns two conflicting currents in the black power movement that emerged after 1965: accommodation and revolution. As the currency of African American liberation, music was another locus in the battle for control. Tape 26, Side A (CAS.2142) Kalamu Ya Salaam concludes. Jazz trombonist, journalist and historian Bill Lowe looks at the importance of African-American music, especially jazz, to the movement from the perspective of "what it is" (jazz form) and "how it is" (who owns it). Lowe offers the example of two artists, David Wilson and John Coltrane, and their efforts to change the motivation, environment and meaning of jazz in a marketplace that is itself a metaphor for the story of blacks in America. Tape 26, Side B (CAS.2140) Bill Lowe concludes. Henry Hampton brings the Eyes II School to a close by telling the Blackside organization,"If you try to tell it all, you will tell nothing. If you try to tell too little, you will tell a lie." Countries of Origin: U.S.A.
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