Title Work Title No: 9851 Medium: Audio Date: 14 Apr 1988 - 15 Apr 1988 (Recorded) Original Summary: Tape 1: Tom Hayden. Tape 1: Second Session, tape 1. Tape 3: Second Session, tape 2. Tape 4: The 60's and the American Democratic Tradition. Tape 5: End of Voter Registration 1961 - 1963 Part I and II Tape 6: Woman discusses the Strings of Feminism Tape 7: Movement in Mississippi 1964 - 1965: Middle of the Iceberg. Part IV. Side B only. Tape 8: Movement in Mississippi 1964 - 1965: Middle of the Iceberg. Part II & III. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. | Items x1
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