Title Work Title No: 8215 Medium: Audio Date: 2 Aug 1985 (Recorded) Original Summary: Day 10: Project Day Guiding principles, organizational matters The subjects discussed at this session were based on (although not exhausted by) Judith Vecchione's agenda for the day: "Here are some of the topics and issues we might talk about on this Project Day: - Documentation and sourcing, including working definitions of what authentication will be adequate, both in terms of films and facts, for this project - strict cautions on records-keeping (discussion of Accuracy in Media challenge to the Vietnam series) - how and when we do music - film editing options and prohibitions (how do we feel about montages, flashbacks, etc.) and how do they affect historical and filmic accuracy - time frame questions: 20/20 hindsight and story tension - selection and filming of interview subjects: rules on preinterviews, writing of questions, film environments, special cases (interviewing Klan members, militants, etc.) - writing questions, such as tone, or the question of pronouns ( who are "we" and who are "they"?) - filming interviews for other programs - rules on fair fights - administrative matters: coordination of interviews and locations, faxing, costs, accounting responsibilities, chain of command - last minute considerations of moving battles from one program to another: have we divided the material correctly into our six programs - assignment of programs to Teams - Commencement Speech by Henry" As the session draws to a close, Henry Hampton advises his staff to do four things: 1. "Don't be afraid." 2. "Be bold." 3. "Be tough." 4. "Let's have some fun." Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Name As Subjects: Blackside, Inc.; Accuracy in Media, inc.
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