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Title Work

Title No: 7255

Title: Eyes on the prize media pulls and Bill Cosby segment

Medium: Moving Image

Original Medium: Video

Date: 22 Apr  1988 (Compiled)

Original Summary:
A compilation tape with the following clips from "Eyes on the Prize I": Emmett Till segment, Birmingham segment, C.T. Vivian segment, Edmund Pettus Bridge footage. Tape also has a clip with Bill Cosby. 

Countries of Origin: U.S.A.

Subjects: Selma to Montgomery Rights March (1965 : Selma, Ala.); Birmingham (Ala.)

Name As Subjects: Till, Emmett; Cosby, Bill; Vivian, C.T.

Items x4

7255-1Video Tape : U-matic 
7255-2Digital : Video/quicktime 
7255-3Digital : Video/dvcpro 50 
7255-4Digital : Video/mpeg 

Contained By x2

Title NoTitle
4907Blackside video reference library
7242Henry Hampton personal papers [videos]