Title Work Title No: 6776 Medium: Documentation Original Summary: 741 photographs: color; (442) 3.5x5 in. or smaller, (63) 4x6 in., (67) 5x7 in., (23) 8x10 in.; and black and white; (11) 3.5x5 in. or smaller, (136) 5x7 in. Photos show the 369th Regiment primarily during the 1950s-1980s. Includes soldiers in uniform hanging out in the barracks, training and doing light duty work, and in casual dress playing softball and dancing. Includes many photos of the General Services Administration, Region 3, Federal Supply Service, Curtis Bay Depot, and many photos of a visit of Major General Howard G. Garrison, CDR 27th Support Center to the 369th Transportation Batallion Headquarters on July 8, 1975. Also has some veterans events, ceremonies, parades and a wedding reception. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Forms: Group portraits; Snapshots; Portrait photographs
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