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Title Work

Title No: 5527

Title: The Mexican-American: heritage and destiny

Medium: Moving Image

Original Medium: Film

Date: 1971 (Release)

Original Summary:
"Generates appreciation for the second largest minority in the USA. Shows their unique cultural achievements; the impact of their history and heritage on the United States of today; and their success in the mainstream of today's society.'--Audiovisual Materials Catalog 2002-2007 by Audiovisual Services of St. Louis Public Schools.

Countries of Origin: U.S.A.

Duration: 29 min 

Genres: Educational

Subjects: Mexican Americans; Mexicans--United States; Hispanic Americans

Cast/ActorCasarez, Mariano
Cast/ActorEstrella, Felix
Production CompanyHandel Film Corporation
DirectorHandel, Leo A.
ProducerHandel, Leo A.
WriterManning, Monroe
Cast/ActorManriquez, Victor
NarratorMontalban, Ricardo
Cast/ActorRamos, Richard
Source of MaterialSt. Louis Public Schools (Saint Louis, Mo.)
Advisor/Technical AdvisorTrejo, Alejandro

Items x1

5527-1Safety Film : Viewing print 

Contained By x1

Title NoTitle
4819St. Louis Public Schools educational film library