Title Work Title No: 4876 Medium: Moving Image Date: 1970 (Release) Original Summary: "Explores the irony of the 'Holy War' beginning with Pope Urban's speech in 1095 and ending with the taking of Jerusalem. A new view of crusades emerges: the eternal contradiction between preaching love and peace and engaging in war. From Western Civilization: Majesty and Madness series."--Audiovisual Materials Catalog 2002-2007 by Audiovisual Services of St. Louis Public Schools. "Tells the story of the First Crusade beginning with Pope Urban's speech at Clermont and ending in the taking of Jerusalem and the slaughter of its inhabitants. Explores the motives of the Crusaders and introduces the leading figures of the Crusade."--WorldCat. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Genres: Educational
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