Title Work Title No: 45 Medium: Moving Image Date: 1999 (Published) Original Summary: Bright like a sun continues the series' story through the years of the Great Depression and World War II. The challenging experiences move African American artists to adapt and expand their creative visions, producing work with new energy and autonomy. Paul Robeson, the legendary singer and star of stage and screen, uses his artistry and fame to fight for social justice in the US and abroad. Sculptor Augusta Savage builds a vibrant art school in Harlem where young African American talent can be nurtured, although she risks her own career to do so. And on the music scene, Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker and other young musicianis begin to play bebop, the innovative jazz style that becomes the hallmark of American "cool," and a recongnized musical genre. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Subjects: Bop (Music); African American entertainers; Sound recording industry; African American painters; African Americans in art; African American singers; African American musicians - United States - 20th century; African American artists--20th century; African American authors--20th century; Jazz
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