Title Work
Title No: 3 Title: Given a chance Medium: Moving Image Original Medium: Television
Dates: 1995 (Published) 1995 (Release) Original Summary: Early 1965 is a critical period for President Johnson's war on poverty. The Office of Economic Opportunity's goal to have the poor themselves design and run anti-poverty programs attracts strong opposition from local and state governments. Head Start is created to provide poor children with adequate nutrition, health care and the educational advantages that other American children enjoy. This program looks at Head Start in Mississippi, America's poorest state. Countries of Origin: U.S.A.
Forms: Television mini-series Genres: Documentary Subjects: African Americans; United States--Politics and government--1963-1969; United States--History--1961-1969; Economic assistance, Domestic--Mississippi--History--20th century; Poverty--Mississippi--History--20th century; United States--Economic conditions Name As Subjects: Project Head Start; United States. Office of Economic Opportunity; Johnson, Lyndon B.
Credits: | Role | Name |
| Music | Bariluk, Nik | | Writer | Bernard, Sheila Curran | | Producer | Blackside, Inc. | | Cinematographer/Director of Photography | Chin, Michael | | Producer | Hampton, Henry | | Producer | James, Dante J. | | Writer | James, Dante J. | | Director | James, Dante J. | | Editor | Neuburger, Jon | | Distribution Company | PBS Video | | Narrator | Thigpen, Lynne |
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