Title Work
Title No: 29 Title: The keys to the kingdom (1974-1980) Medium: Moving Image Original Medium: Video
Date: 1989 (Broadcast) Original Summary: Examines the relationship between law and popular struggle. In Boston, black parents organized to improve their children's education. In Atlanta, Mayor Maynard Jackson, the city's first black mayor, tries to guarantee black involvement in the construction of Atlanta's airport. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Duration: 1 hr
Forms: Television series Genres: Documentary Subjects: College integration; School integration; Segregation in education; African Americans--Civil rights--History; Civil rights movements--United States--History; Segregation--United States--History; Race discrimination--Law and legislation--United States; Affirmative action programs; Boston (Mass.); Atlanta (Ga.); Video recordings for the hearing impaired Name As Subjects: Jackson, Maynard
Credits: | Role | Name |
| Editor | Benson, Lillian | | Production Company | Blackside, Inc. | | Narrator | Bond, Julian | | Cinematographer/Director of Photography | Chin, Michael | | Writer | Fayer, Steve | | Executive Producer | Hampton, Henry | | Producer | Shearer, Jacqueline | | Director | Shearer, Jacqueline | | Writer | Shearer, Jacqueline | | Cinematographer/Director of Photography | Shepard, Robert | | Producer | Stekler, Paul Jeffrey | | Director | Stekler, Paul Jeffrey | | Writer | Stekler, Paul Jeffrey | | Broadcaster | WGBH |
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