Title Work
Title No: 28 Title: A nation of law? (1968-1971) Medium: Moving Image Original Medium: Video
Date: 1989 (Broadcast) Original Summary: By the late 1960s, the anger in poorer urban areas over charges of police brutality was smoldering. In Chicago, Fred Hampton formed a Black Panther Party Chapter. During this same period, inmates at New York's Attica prison took over the prison in an effort to publicize intolerable conditions. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Duration: 1 hr
Forms: Television series Genres: Documentary Subjects: Prison riots--New York (State)--Attica; African Americans--Civil rights--History; Civil rights--United States--History; Civil rights movements--United States--History; Race relations--United States--History; Segregation--United States--History; Prison riots--New York (State); Race discrimination--Law and legislation--United States; United States--Race relations; Video recordings for the hearing impaired Name As Subjects: Hampton, Fred; Black Panther Party; Clark, Mark; United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Credits: | Role | Name |
| Production Company | Blackside, Inc. | | Narrator | Bond, Julian | | Writer | Fayer, Steve | | Executive Producer | Hampton, Henry | | Producer | Massiah, Louis | | Writer | Massiah, Louis | | Producer | Ott, Thomas | | Writer | Ott, Thomas | | Distribution Company | PBS Video | | Producer | Rockefeller, Terry Kay | | Writer | Rockefeller, Terry Kay | | Broadcaster | WGBH |
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