Title Work Title No: 26 Alternate Titles: Eyes 204 Medium: Moving Image Date: 1989 (Broadcast) Original Summary: Moved by the increasing level of poverty, Dr. Martin Luther King, in the final year of his life, began to organize a Poor People's Campaign, a march of the poor to Washington, D.C., where they would erect Resurrection City to embarrass and motivate a reluctant government. On April 4, 1968, Dr. King was assassinated. Soon after its construction, Resurrection City was shut down, marking the end of a chapter of the civil rights movement. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Forms: Television series
Notes: Boston, MA : Blackside ; Alexandria, VA : PBS Video [distributor], OCLC: 28657269 http://etext.virginia.edu/journals/EH/EH40/chase40.html | Items x2
Component Contents x5
Contained By x1