Title Work
Title No: 25 Title: Power! (1967-1968) Medium: Moving Image Original Medium: Video
Date: 1989 (Broadcast) Original Summary: Out of the ashes of the urban rebellions, blacks look for new ways to take control of their communities. This program explores the political path to power for Carl Stokes, the nation's first black mayor of a major city. It also describes the founding of the Black Panther Party in Oakland, Calif., and the struggle of black and Hispanic parents in Brooklyn, N.Y., to improve their children's education through community control of the schools. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Duration: 1 hr
Forms: Television series Genres: Documentary Subjects: African Americans--Civil rights--History; Racism--United States--History; Civil rights movements--United States--History; Race discrimination--United States--History; African Americans--Political activity--History; African Americans--Education--New York (State)--New York; United States--Race relations; Civil rights; History; Race discrimination--Illinois--Chicago; Segregation--Illinois--Chicago; Video recordings for the hearing impaired Name As Subjects: Stokes, Carl; Black Panther Party
Credits: | Role | Name |
| Production Company | Blackside, Inc. | | Narrator | Bond, Julian | | Executive Producer | Hampton, Henry | | Producer | Massiah, Louis | | Director | Massiah, Louis | | Writer | Massiah, Louis | | Editor | Ott, Thomas | | Distribution Company | PBS Video | | Producer | Rockefeller, Terry Kay | | Director | Rockefeller, Terry Kay | | Writer | Rockefeller, Terry Kay | | Broadcaster | WGBH |
Notes: Boston, MA :; Blackside ;; Alexandria, VA :; PBS Video [distributor],
OCLC: 28657267 | Items x2
Component Contents x5
Contained By x1