Title Work Title No: 23 Alternate Titles: Eyes 201 Medium: Moving Image Date: 1989 (Broadcast) Original Summary: During the decade of civil rights protest in the south, a sense of urgency and anger emerged from the black communities in the north. This urgency was best articulated by Malcolm X, then National Minister of the Nation of Islam. Viewers follow the trajectory of Malcolm X's influence, both within the movement and outside. The program shows the influence of his philosophy on the staff of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) as they organized the Lowndes County Freedom Organization in Alabama and as they issued the call for "Black Power" during the 1966 Meredith March Against Fear in Mississippi. Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Forms: Television series
Notes: Boston, MA :; Blackside ;; Alexandria, VA :; PBS Video [distributor], OCLC: 28657264 | Items x5
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