Title Work Title No: 21553 Medium: Moving Image Date: 1954 (Created) Original Summary: "...a short, humorous hidden camera film called Children of the U.N. The film was shot at an international school in New York and featured interviews with and observational footage of children from around the world. One of several "candid films" made for the 1954-55 season of Omnibus, it was produced by Allen Funt, creator of the comedic hidden-camera program Candid Camera (1959-67). Children of the U.N. was a timely social document. Airing on United Nations Day, it offered viewers, as Omnibus host Alistair Cooke noted, a glimpse of "a miniature international society... without protocol, and without taboos, but with a pride all its own." -- Anna McCarthy "Postwr Social Science and the 'First Wave' of Reality TV. in "Reality TV: Remaking Television Culture." Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Genres: Educational
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