Title Work Title No: 15149 Medium: Documentation Date: c1987 - 1990 Original Summary: Material that corresponds to the pre-production, production and post production of Eyes on the Prize II. BOX 1: Material includes information on pre-production and production of Eyes on the Prize II. This includes readings for Eyes on the Prize II School held for all staff working on the production,episode chronologies, outlines and treatments. Some material is annotated BOX 2: Includes material related to production of Eyes on the Prize II. Material includes Judy Richardson's phone log [binder], information on Ms. Richardson's itinerary when conducting various interviews [binder] and forms, newspaper and magazine articles and basic information relevant to production [binder]. BOX 3: Material related to Voices of Freedom: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement from the 1950s Through the 1980s, the companion book to all 14 episodes of Eyes on the Prize. Includes various drafts of many chapters, and an annotated draft of the entire book. Also includes correspondence and notes from meetings regarding the book. Some material is annotated. BOX 4: Material related to production and post-production of Eyes on the Prize II. Includes episode treatments and scripts. Also includes internal Blackside correspondence and memos concerning the production. Bound copies of press clippings are also included as are program guides and final reports related to the production. Some material is annotated. Countries of Origin: U.S.A.
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