Title Work Title No: 14444 Medium: Moving Image Original Summary: "This animated folktale from the Liberian rainforest, recounting the death and return to life of Ogaloussa the hunter, explores the universal themes of loyalty and the power of the spirit to conquer death. Ogaloussa disappears and is forgotten by his family until a new son, Puli, in his first words asks for his father. A search yields Ogaloussa's bones, and his sons magically restore him to life. When Ogaloussa wants to give a beautiful cow-tail switch to the son who did most to resuscitate him, he rewards Puli. For, the saying goes, 'A man is not dead until he is forgotten.' The entire story is told by an African mother to her children." -- Summary from original film can. "A folktale by Harold Courlander and George Herzog from the Liberian rain forest which recounts the death and return to life of Ogalussa, the hunter." -- WorldCat Countries of Origin: U.S.A. Forms: Animation | Items x1
Contained By x1