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Digital Component

Component No: 5 of 20321  Duff's reading featuring Catherine Bowman and Quincy Troupe

Item Id: 114196

Description: Quincy Troupe at Duff's

Category: Exhibition copy

File Format: Audio/MP3

Material Type: Audio

Number of Carriers: 1

Source: Washington University

Acquisition: 181 of 3 Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.)


Edited notes read: "Cut part of Michael Castro intro; audio cuts out for few seconds at 54:49; There are two different poems that he  gives the same title - "words and sounds that build bridges toward a new tongue"; Michael Castro short outro cut"

Carriers x1

20321-5-1Digital : Audio/MP3 

Shots x11

ShotStart / EndDescription
10:00:00:00 - 0:06:23:00 Introduction by Michael Castro
20:06:23:01 - 0:11:59:00 I change dreams
30:11:59:01 - 0:15:16:00 Words and sounds that build bridges toward a new tongue
40:15:16:01 - 0:17:53:00 "Rising up in time, Michael Jordan"
50:17:53:01 - 0:22:37:00 Sestina for thirty nine angels
60:22:37:01 - 0:28:41:00 Synchronicity in Bologna
70:28:41:01 - 0:39:55:00 Jerez de la Frontera
80:39:55:01 - 0:42:29:00 The Point Loma series of haikus and tankas
90:42:29:01 - 0:54:55:00 Choruses
100:54:55:01 - 1:00:06:00 Bells
111:00:06:01 - 1:13:03:00 Words and sounds that build bridges toward a new tongue