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Digital Component

Component No: 6 of 20225  Duff's reading featuring Martin Espada, Peter Carlos and Marcella Grad

Item Id: 113328

Description: Martin Espada at Duff's

Category: Exhibition copy

File Format: Audio/MP3

Material Type: Audio

Number of Carriers: 1

Source: Washington University

Acquisition: 181 of 3 Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.)


Edited notes read: "Cut musical performance and announcements by Michael Castro at the end"

Carriers x1

20225-6-1Digital : Audio/MP3 

Shots x12

ShotStart / EndDescription
10:00:00:00 - 0:09:28:00 Introduction by Michael Castro
20:09:28:01 - 0:12:22:00 Federico's Ghost
30:12:22:01 - 0:16:31:00 Rebellion is the circle of a lover's hands
40:16:31:01 - 0:20:26:00 La Tumba de Buenaventura Roig
50:20:26:01 - 0:23:15:00 The Saint Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Stomp
60:23:15:01 - 0:26:53:00 Niggerlips
70:26:53:01 - 0:29:30:00 Revolutionary Spanish Lesson
80:29:30:01 - 0:31:24:00 Portrait of a Real Hijo de Puta
90:31:24:01 - 0:33:15:00 Jorge the Church Janitor Finally Quits
100:33:15:01 - 0:35:12:00 The New Bathroom Policy at English High School
110:35:12:01 - 0:36:30:00 "Blue bandana across the forehead"
120:36:30:01 - 0:39:45:00 Colibri