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Safety Film Carrier

Carrier No: 3097-2-1

Component: 3097-2 Melba Pattillo prepares for Central High

Work: 3097  Melba Pattillo prepares for Central High

Item Id: 18841

Format: Safety Film

Rack No:

Current Location:

Permanent Location:

BOX 11 - Missing from barcode #315368 as of 5/21/2002.
Box 11 is mislabeled in the Iron Mountain database as Eyes on the Prize I, story 713-1, but 713 work print and mag track are part  of box 14, item numbers  10528 and 25778 respectively. The outside of box 11 says that it should contain stories 693-694, 693 is in box 16 and 694 is missing both the work print and the mag track.