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Safety Film Carrier

Carrier No: 24033-1-1

Component: 24033-1 Gateways to the mind

Work: 24033  Gateways to the mind

Item Id: 90213

Format: Safety Film

Duration: 34 min 

Rack No: 7111

Current Location:

Permanent Location:

Description: "Shows what science has learned about the human senses and how they function, explaining that in addition to the five commonly thouhgt of senses--sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch--scientists know of and tell about the senses of cold, heat, pressure, pain, and others. Dr. Frank Baxter explains scientific findings about the human senses, and brain surgeon Dr. Wilder Penfiled shows how electrodes applied to certain areas of the brain can obtain sensory impressions. Animation and live action." -WorldCat

Conditions x2

2014-07-14Vinegar SyndromeA-D strip reading
2015-07-31On projection reelsHeavy