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Safety Film Carrier

Carrier No: 23964-3-1

Component: 23964-3 Focus on the United Nations

Work: 23964  Focus on the United Nations

Item Id: 89829

Format: Safety Film

Duration: 16 min 0 sec 

Rack No: 3292

Current Location:

Permanent Location:

Description: "Traces the history of the United Nations from its proposed organization in 1941 at a meeting between Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill; through the writing and ratifying of the United Nations Charter by delegates from 51 nations in 1945; to the status of the United Nations organization in 1970 with its 126 member nations. Explains the operations and functions, and outlines some of the difficulties encountered by the United Nations in attempting to prevent or halt aggression in the past 25 years." -WorldCat

Conditions x2

2014-06-23Vinegar SyndromeA-D strip reading
2015-07-28On projection reelsHeavy