Safety Film Carrier Carrier No: 21437-1-1 Item Id: 119424 Rack No: BC.162D Notes: There were seven reels in BC.162c. After winding to 3" cores, not all the reels fit. Four reels were removed and placed in BC.162d. Edge code: No Code (DuPont) Head leader reads:" ""Miles Roll #3 Head"" ; ""No. 10"" - on tape, tape removed ; ""Head: ""Baseball Birmingham - Giants (Master) Miles Film Prods"" ; ""#3 Head"" - on tape ; ""Miles Films B' Wind - 2nd Torn Sprocket Roll"" ; ""Torn Perfs Birmingham vs Giants"" *""Birminham Beats Giants; Barons Win Double Header in Chicago"" Tail: ""Head: ""Althea Gibson Loses (B-Wind Master) Miles Film Prods"" ; ""Tail R-3"" - on tape ***Perfs and Edge in terrible shape***; B&W with VD sound ; 60 feet" | Treatments x1