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Safety Film Carrier

Carrier No: 16917-5-2

Component: 16917-5 Interview with Earl Monroe

Work: 16917  Interview with Earl Monroe

Item Id: 113139

Format: Safety Film

Actual Length: 1000

Rack No: BC.108

Current Location:

Permanent Location:

Edge code: Square Circle Triangle = 1985

Head leader reads: "Head Order No. 85E235116 Stock: 7294 Customer: Miles Film Prods. Title: Black champions USA-Earl Monroe Roll # 73-73A-74"

Tail leader reads: "Roll #73-73A-74 Title: Black Champions USA-Earl Monroe Customer: Miles Film Productions Stock: 7294 Order No: 85E235116 Foot"

Side of container reads: "Show 3; 2 (Cans); 235116 (Lab Order); miles film prod. (Customer); black champions usa- earl monroe (Subject); 7294 (Type); 73-73A-74 (Roll Nos.); 1226 (Ftg.)

[Lab paperwork removed from container on 6/3/2013]

Conditions x10

2013-06-03Loose windFair
2013-06-11Vinegar SyndromeA-D strip reading
2017-08-01Emulsion scratchesNone
2017-08-01Base scratchesNone
2017-08-01Perforation DamageNone
2017-08-01Edge DamageNone
2017-08-0111-100 SplicesSlight

Treatments x3

2017-08-01Full inspectionInternal
2017-08-01Wound to archival 3" coreInternal