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Safety Film Carrier

Carrier No: 14807-1-6

Component: 14807-1 A regular bouquet [editing]

Work: 14807  A regular bouquet [editing]

Item Id: 91742

Format: Safety Film

Rack No: RB.016

Current Location:

Permanent Location:

[These two reels are footage that were removed from both reels of the Reversal Master and replaced with the title sequence during preservation work on A Regular Bouquet (one section removed from head of Reveral Master Reel 1 to put in beginning title/credit sequence and second section removed from tail of Reversal Master Reel 2 and replaced with end title/credit sequence).  Film was removed at Colorlab--none of the footage is in any of the prints or even the original dupe negative that came with the rest of the collection.  It is believed that the footage was removed and replaced with the title sequence under the direction of Richard Beymer. 8/10/2015 IET]